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Yajaira Suarez, PhD

Anthony N. Brady Professor of Comparative Medicine and of Pathology; Deputy Chair, Comparative Medicine

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Yajaira Suarez, PhD

Extensive Research Description

In our laboratory we study novel regulatory mechanisms involved in the regulation of endothelial cell and macrophage functions. Both cell types play major role in controlling both angiogenic and inflammatory responses and the interplay between these two cell types has been shown to be critical for several pathophysiological conditions like atherosclerosis, cancer (tumor growth), adipose tissue expansion and wound healing, among others.

To this end, we are utilizing different approaches combining molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, together with genetically modified mouse models.

Our research program focuses in four different areas:

1) studying the role of non-coding RNAs, including microRNAs, on endothelial cell and macrophage responses to cytokines and growth factors in order to determine the molecular mechanisms that regulates their expression and their overall contribution in regulating angiogenic and inflammatory responses.

2) understanding the implication of endothelial metabolic rewiring on endothelial cell functions

3) understanding the relationship between macrophage inflammatory responses and metabolic regulation (immunometabolism)

4) identifying and characterizing novel mechanisms regulation of cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism and their involvement in cardiometabolic diseases.


Research Interests

Cardiovascular Diseases; Inflammation; Metabolism; Angiogenesis Modulating Agents; Atherosclerosis

Research Image

Selected Publications