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The Faculty Development Series

The department of Emergency Medicine faculty development seminar series offers a diverse range of topics and formats to meet the varied needs of faculty members. The topics have been identified based on our faculty survey and encompass teaching strategies, research and scholarship skills, leadership and management development, mentoring and advising practices, and tips for professional networking. Key focus areas include diversity, equity, and inclusion, clinical skills, communications and media training, interdisciplinary collaboration, and faculty well-being. A comprehensive approach involves tailoring content to individual needs, ensuring interactive sessions, and fostering a continuous learning environment. This multifaceted series aims to enhance faculty skills, enrich professional development, and contribute to a thriving academic community. The sessions are semi-structured to help faculty identify local resources and provide a forum to share experiences.

Faculty development seminars will cover topics of:

  1. Academic development devoted to promotion and advancement
  2. Education series devoted to teaching and learner skills
  3. Research in Progress meetings devoted to research skills
  • Updated Tracks and Promotion Metrics 07-20-23
  • Maximizing Clinical Efficiency 07-20-23
  • The Art of Accountability- Guest Speaker Daryn H. David, Ph.D. 08-24-23
  • Branding: Preparing for regional or national presence 09-28-23
  • Status of Women in Medicine (SWIM) – Negotiations- Guest Speaker Anees Chagpar, MD, 09-28-23
  • Ultrasound Workshop – Nerve Blocks 10-26-23
  • Financial Structures in the Department 11-30-23
  • Clinical Workshop – Transvenous pacing 11-30-23
  • How to get started with research 12-14-23
  • Ventilation/BIPAAP management 01-18-24

Seminar Recordings/Resources

Midcareer and Senior Faculty Development

As our department has grown, our faculty development needs have evolved, necessitating a two-tiered faculty development program. We are pleased to announce a series of leadership training workshops offered biannually that are focused on the needs for DEM midcareer/senior faculty. The topics are based on faculty feedback.

In addition, we have introduced executive coaching as an additional resource for our midcareer/senior faculty to better prepare them for periods of transition, new roles or to re-engage in their work. For this, we have compiled a list of executive coaches for the DEM as a resource. This list is curated based on reviews of experience with working with academic physicians and is pooled from recommendations from peers in the department, as well as local experts.

Executive coaching can be a boost to both your performance and job satisfaction. However, it is not for everyone and needs one to be in the right frame of mind and requires commitment of your time to be useful. For questions regarding accessing these coaches, please reach out to Dr. Safdar.